Category accepting life

Religious Reorientation

As I prepare to share my memoir I am reviewing numerous books that I’ve read. The following books are written by authors that I respect. As you can see, I am not taking my religious reorientation lightly. This list of some of my favorite books will give you and idea of how my journey has carried me through to where I am today. Who knows where tomorrow will take me.

Personal Musings with Messages

I fully appreciate each day. Acceptance is required and it ain’t easy.

How to Get Back On Track?

It is bound to happen. We find ourself off the track. We’ve lost our bearings and are unsure which way is up. When this happens it helps to have someone you trust, and who isn’t too close a friend or relative, to talk with. Life Coaching answers this need in so many ways.

Just As I Am

Power in Acceptance Some of us humans have very little trouble accepting others and their actions, even idiosyncrasies.  Some of us, however, have great difficulty accepting, even tolerating others. Wonder why? Of course, I think it is our personal natures-our personalities- that must be factored in when looking at why we can’t accept others just […]

The Drama of Desire

Since the beginning, since Adam and Eve, we have desired to be the god of things. We choose to wrong tree. “Instead of imitating and reflecting God as good image bearers should do, we start competing with God, edginess God out, playing god ourselves.” We blame each other. We become religious rivals. We judge one another.

Gratitude as Your Attitude

Editorial as it appeared in the Beaumont Enterprise, February 2, 2020 ABC’s of  Wisdom – G – Gratitude “Gratitude turns what we have into enough.” – Aesop Gratitude is almost a buzzword these days. In case you don’t know a buzzword is a word or phrase that is overused and loses its original power like […]

Gratitude is a Good Thing

This quote was on the cover of our church program yesterday.
“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.”
– Melody Beattie

How to Accept Life on Life’s Terms

As the years have gone (or flown) by I’ve learned a few lessons. The main one is I’m not the one in charge. It is only when I release that I am able to embrace life.

What is Acceptance, 7 Steps to Get Past Divorce

What does that mean exactly? After much thought this is the conclusion I’ve come to- Acceptance is the willingness to embrace what is.

numerous traits with arrows pointing to resilience

1 Way to Develop Resilience

We are programmed to think negatively. Unfortunately we anticipate tragedy. We are hard wired to shift in that direction. So it does take an effort to be a strong and resilient person. I think the effort is worth it.