Category Gail Cawley Showalter

What I Now Know Without a Doubt for Mother’s Day

So many resilient women struggle with hard realities: ill children, major and minor disappointments in love, job problems, or no job, or, worse, no job skills.

Single Moms – Have You Ever Been Hurt By a Charmer?

Single Moms, Don’t be misled “One of the reasons you may never feel you can get the upper hand in the situation is that invalidators or ‘nasties’ are not nasty all the time.  It’s when their feelings of insecurity or inferiority are on the rampage that we receive a bruising.  Invalidators usually try to look big, but […]

Were You Ever a Single Mom Caught Between a Rock and a Hard Place?

Single Moms find themselves in lose-lose situations. “For many women, difficulties and disappointments are frequent events; however, as with most rough journeys in life, there is much to learn. There are experiences that look much like “rocks in the road” but once they are polished, they become gems.” – from Living Learning Loving Revised Edition […]

Living Learning Loving book for Single Moms and Others

“As a woman who has been through a divorce and who parented three children for sixteen years, I have learned a few survival skills in the process and believe life is all about growth and letting experience be one of the best teachers life can offer.” the second edition of Living Learning Loving will be […]

Jesus Stories to Teach Your Children

Zacchaeus was not liked by the people because he took taxes from the people and kept some for himself. He was a wealthy man. He was also short. And he was curious about Jesus.

Heartache is a Kind of Grief

When you experience the heartache of rejection, a divorce or breakup, you are experiencing grief.

Yellow capitalized words-DIFFICULT PEOPLE

How to Deal with Difficult People

The more problematic is what to do about people who have caused you pain, physically or emotionally. These people may be risky for you to associate with. You have to decide whether or not to allow the person into your personal circle.

You Can Live Courageously?

You are a hero whether you know it or not.

Who Are You?

“You have forgotten who you are. Look inside yourself. You are more than what you have become. Remember who you are. Remember. . .”
– Mufasa speaking to Simba

How to Get Back On Track?

It is bound to happen. We find ourself off the track. We’ve lost our bearings and are unsure which way is up. When this happens it helps to have someone you trust, and who isn’t too close a friend or relative, to talk with. Life Coaching answers this need in so many ways.