Personal Musings with Messages

oneliness and people concept - lonely senior woman with cup of tea or coffee looking through window at homelder woman looking into distance

So much has happened in my life in the last two years, some days I feel like I’m just going through the motions. Don’t misunderstand. My life is generally fantastic. I have a loving husband, a very nice home and even gardens which I love. My grown children are doing well and all fourteen of our grandchildren are well. The events that I share here, are all part of life on earth. It just seemed that they were coming one right after the other.

When my mammogram (2022) showed cancer I was surprised, but went through the process, to and from MD Anderson in Houston, not knowing if it had metastasized. Thank goodness it had not. The tests leading up to that conclusion were no picnic.

The lowest point of the year was May 6, 2022 when I learned of the death of my dear, dear friend, Stephanie Blackstone. We spent many years raising our kids together and traveling from New Zealand to Russia with our husbands.

My breast cancer surgery (June 28, 2022) was a simple lumpectomy and the recovery with radiation was brief.

Then we noticed that my liver enzymes were elevated. So I was off to see a liver specialist (hepatologist) to learn that I needed a liver biopsy. I was unhappy about it but the appointment was made at Methodist Hospital in Houston for February 20, 2023 and it turned out to be a non-event. They do the biopsy by going through the jugular vein to get to the liver. I was in la-la land and had no pain afterwards. That was in February (2023). Sure enough-I was diagnosed with autoimmune hepatitis and I was put on steroids, heavy-duty steroids. And other stuff that had unpleasant side-effects.

Sam and I had an RV trip planned and the first stop was to be at my sister, Jaynet’s on Lake LBJ in west Texas. She was sixteen when I was born and was often like a second mother to me. When I arrived with homemade gumbo I found her non-responsive. She was 91 years old and ready to go. But I wasn’t ready. That was April 14, 2023.

From March through the summer, the treatment for the autoimmune hepatitis was taking a toll on my quality of life. Up until today I thought I might have to go back on the horrid immune suppressants. But the doctor said I’m okay for now.

I try to learn from my life experiences. These challenges have tested my resolve. Still, I’m learning.

First and foremost i’ve seen my husband, Sam’s tenderhearted and wonderful caring side. He is a “fixer.” It bothers him that he can’t fix my health. However he is doing everything he can to make life pleasant for me.

A lesson – I’ve learned so much about ways to be my own health advocate. Just because my lab results were abnormal didn’t mean medical personnel would insist on further tests. My husband was the one who insisted I see a specialist. The liver biopsy showed Stage 3 hepatitis with some scarring. Stage 4 is cirrhosis. I am now fully aware that I must take care of my own health. I’ve spent a great deal of time learning how to best heal myself with diet. There are some exceptional doctors who are determined to get people to see food as medicine.

A Message – Change happens. We are in North Carolina waiting and watching as the leaves change color. It is a beautiful sight. And a reminder that autumn is around the corner. Seasons change. It is predictable. That’s how we like it-predictable. When change happens that we aren’t prepared for we have trouble. Sometimes we balk. Nature makes it clear-we are not in charge.

A Life Lesson – When loved ones die, I learn again how precious life is and how fragile. I am reminded that this life is a temporary situation. I fully appreciate each day. Acceptance is required and it ain’t easy.

“Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.” – John C. Maxwell


  1. Nancy DeForest · · Reply

    You my dear are a SURVIVOR! And a CREATIVE THRIVER. I’m so proud that you are “rolling with the punches” and finding the GOOD in life. XXOO, Nancy

  2. Anonymous · · Reply

    Thanks, I needed that

  3. Anonymous · · Reply

    Beautiful! You ate a very wise woman. Love you and pray for you!

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