Category Accepting change

Religious Reorientation

As I prepare to share my memoir I am reviewing numerous books that I’ve read. The following books are written by authors that I respect. As you can see, I am not taking my religious reorientation lightly. This list of some of my favorite books will give you and idea of how my journey has carried me through to where I am today. Who knows where tomorrow will take me.

Personal Musings with Messages

I fully appreciate each day. Acceptance is required and it ain’t easy.

Single mom with her son and daughter by her side

How to Live a Life That Works

I’ve found that life is filled with one lesson after another. And like most lessons they aren’t easy.

Take Control of Your Thoughts

I’ve spent a great deal of my adult like (lots of years) thinking about how I think. Why do I always gravitate to the negative? Why do I continually struggle with judgmental reactions to others?

Life Transitions

With Transitions Comes New Life “Each transition begins with an ending. Change mean letting go of the old before we are able to embrace the new.” -William Bridges read more Talking with women about handling the transitions in their lives is one thing I can do to help. As a Life Coach with years and […]

Transitions Challenge Us to Take a Step Upward

Transitions Look on every exit as being an entrance somewhere else.   – Tom Stoppard A new year has dawned and we can look forward to our new days ahead. When our lives go through a change of seasons it is easy to see only the surface side of the situation. If the transition is sad […]

How to Accept Life on Life’s Terms

As the years have gone (or flown) by I’ve learned a few lessons. The main one is I’m not the one in charge. It is only when I release that I am able to embrace life.

Joyful woman with raised arms at sunrise

What Can You Change?

I don’t know why we spend so much time, energy and effort on those things we can’t change.

How Facing and Accepting Disappointment Can Bring Peace

When a woman reaches a certain level of insight, she takes an entirely different view of her unhappiness.

What is Acceptance, 7 Steps to Get Past Divorce

What does that mean exactly? After much thought this is the conclusion I’ve come to- Acceptance is the willingness to embrace what is.