Category divorce recovery

Christ Elf in Green with red trimming

How A Christmas (Single Mom) Elf Finds the Real Joy of Christmas

“Joy to the World” was playing on the car radio, but I did not feel any joy in my world. It was five days before Christmas – the first Christmas since my divorce and the first one I would spend without my children.

Young woman with curlers and eight arms holding household tools

Experience as Single Mom

“As a woman who has been through a divorce and who parented three children for sixteen years, I have learned a few survival skills in the process and believe life is all about growth and letting experience be one of the best teachers life can offer.” Second edition of Living Learning Loving will be available […]

Yellow capitalized words-DIFFICULT PEOPLE

How to Deal with Difficult People

The more problematic is what to do about people who have caused you pain, physically or emotionally. These people may be risky for you to associate with. You have to decide whether or not to allow the person into your personal circle.

Who Are You?

“You have forgotten who you are. Look inside yourself. You are more than what you have become. Remember who you are. Remember. . .”
– Mufasa speaking to Simba

Single mom with her son and daughter by her side

How to Live a Life That Works

I’ve found that life is filled with one lesson after another. And like most lessons they aren’t easy.

ABCs of Wisdom

Continuing even when things get tough is determination. D is for determination.Wisdom doesn’t come easily. It comes over time when you are determined.

Transitions Challenge Us to Take a Step Upward

Transitions Look on every exit as being an entrance somewhere else.   – Tom Stoppard A new year has dawned and we can look forward to our new days ahead. When our lives go through a change of seasons it is easy to see only the surface side of the situation. If the transition is sad […]

How Facing and Accepting Disappointment Can Bring Peace

When a woman reaches a certain level of insight, she takes an entirely different view of her unhappiness.

Do You See Men Clearly?

Some of us tend to wear rose-colored glasses when viewing men. We see the potential, not the reality. If the guy appears to have qualities we are looking for, we may assume he is everything we are looking for.

Life After Divorce

Divorce is often costly, and can be devastating for all parties involved – partners, children, parents, and grandparents.